Resep: Oyster Mashroom Cheese Katsu yang Renyah!

Resep: Oyster Mashroom Cheese Katsu yang Renyah!

Resep Masakan Modern Dan Daerah.

Oyster Mashroom Cheese Katsu. They are a great ingredient option when you need a fast stir-fry, salad, soup and more. The blue oyster mushroom is a beautiful and delicious mushroom. Discover much more about this mushroom, including why and the reasons for growing it.

Oyster Mashroom Cheese Katsu Bring a saucepan of water to a boil. We're talking fresh veges and fragrant herbs, all manner of mushrooms and plant-based Impossible meat for our forward-thinking former carnivore friends. Cover oyster with flour, dredge in egg, and cover with panko. Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kawan-kawan dapat menghidangkan Oyster Mashroom Cheese Katsu hanya dengan menggunakan 8 bahan dan 4 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Oyster Mashroom Cheese Katsu!

Bahan Oyster Mashroom Cheese Katsu

  1. Dibutuhkan of jamur tiram, potong akarnya.
  2. Gunakan of telur.
  3. Siapkan of tepung terigu.
  4. Diperlukan of tepung maizena.
  5. Dibutuhkan of garam.
  6. Diperlukan of lada bubuk.
  7. Siapkan of keju slice, masing² bagi menjadi 4.
  8. Gunakan of tepung roti/panir/panko (sesuaikan ukuran katsunya).

Spread each mushroom with a tablespoon of the cream cheese on the stalk side and top with some cheese, pressing down so the cream cheese helps the cheese stick to the mushroom. Place the flour, egg and panko onto three separate plates. Rooftop Fridays and Saturdays (and outdoor Sunday-fun-days) will slowly start to take a time-out until spring. It is time for cozy dinners, snuggles, and a little Netflix and chill.

Cara membuat Oyster Mashroom Cheese Katsu

  1. Cuci jamur, lalu peras, kemudian suir-suir jamur..
  2. Kemudian tambahkan semua bahan sisanya (kecuali keju dan tepung roti), aduk hingga semua tercampur rata..
  3. Ambil ± 2 sdm adonan jamur, letakkan ke atas tepung roti. Letakkan 4 potong keju ditengah adonan (agak ditekan), kemudian tambahkan 1-2 sdm diatas keju sampai keju tertutup. Tabur-tabur tepung roti, tekan-tekan sedikit..
  4. Jika ingin langsung digoreng serok dengan spatulla kemudian goreng dengan api sedang. Jika sudah kecoklatan, balik jamur katsunya..

But, just cause you aren't going out, doesn't mean the menu should be bland—especially now that National Mushroom Month has arrived. We made it work by swapping the pork for king oyster mushrooms and the egg-based sauce for one made with tofu, miso paste, and nutritional yeast. Bringing in the flavor of the Pecorino Romano required getting creative—we used sauerkraut brine to mimic the cheese's lactic tang. Fried oyster mushrooms, Cauliflower purée, Crispy garlic, Sautéed kailan, Teppanyaki sauce. Atlantic black cod, Cashew furikake, Pea purée, Radish salad.