Hurricane swiss roll. Hurricane Swiss roll has taken youtube by storms for the past few years. Though the idea is not entirely new, but I sure have seen lots of hurricane Swiss roll off late. Hurricane Swiss Roll with Strawberry jam ~ 飓风蛋糕卷.
It is very popular in Indonesia. The recipe is fairly simple to make as long as you are patient. This Hurricane Roll is a delightful treat, composed by a tender and moist layer of sponge filled with apricot jam and chocolate coffee ganache. Teman-teman dapat menghidangkan Hurricane swiss roll hanya dengan menggunakan 13 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Hurricane swiss roll yuk!
Bahan-bahan Hurricane swiss roll
- Gunakan of Bahan A.
- Siapkan 85 gr of tepung terigu protein sedang.
- Sediakan 15 gr of susu bubuk.
- Sediakan 110 ml of susu cair full cream (me cm pke skm 50ml+air.
- Diperlukan 1/4 sdt of garam.
- Sediakan 6 btr of kuning telur.
- Dibutuhkan 1/4 of vanili.
- Siapkan 80 ml of minyak.
- Diperlukan of Pewarna merah.
- Sediakan of Bahan B.
- Dibutuhkan 6 btr of putih telur.
- Gunakan 110 gr of gula.
- Dibutuhkan Seujung sdt of cream of tar2.
When I first saw this beautiful roll cake that my baking friend Doris shared on Instagram. I have seen this Hurricane Roll some time ago and I found it really amazing. I simply needed to try Hope you'll try it out and enjoy! Related Posts: Chocolate Strawberry Swiss Roll Chocolate Swiss.
Cara memasak Hurricane swiss roll
- Campur bahan kering (tepung terigu,tepung maizena,vanili N garam).
- Tim susu dan minyak kira2 50dtk.. Masukan bahan kering aduk cepat pke wisk,msukkan kuning telur psisi trus d aduk smpe rata sisihkan.
- Mixer putih telur dg kcpatan tinggi,msukkan cream of tar2 lanjut msukkan gula dg trus mixer smpe mengembang N bejejak kaku.
- Tuang adonan putih telur sdkit demi sedikit k adonan tepung tadi smbil trus d aduk, lakukan smpe adonan putih telur habis. Ambil 1/4 adonan taruh d wadah lain ksih pewarna merah tyang k piping bag sisihkan.
- Tuang adonan putih k loyang 30x24x4 xg sdag d ksih baking paper.
- ,lanjut tuang adonan merah smpe memenuhi permukaan adonan putih, motif dg gagang sendok secara horizontal N vertikal.
- Kmdian oven dg metode au bin marie krg lbh 40 mnit/smpe matang.klo sdah matang matika api lgs kluarkan dr loyang biarkan ttp posisi trbalik lg oles pke selai N gulung biarkan dingin baru d iris sesuai selera yaa.cntoh fto saya pke bc,saran bagusan selai krn psisi panas bisa lgs d gulung klo pke bc tnggu bolux dingin lbh lama prosesx.hurricane siap d santap.
Swiss roll cake teksturnya lebih moist dan butuh ketelatenan dalam membuatnya. Simply make the batter, bake it for a few minutes, add the filling, and roll it all up. This Hurricane Roll not only it has this amazing hurricane effect it is also a delightful treat, composed by a tender and moist layer of sponge filled with apricot jam and chocolate coffee ganache. Hurricane Swiss Roll - Red Velvet Hurricane Swiss Roll - Nutella Hazelnut Chocolate Cream Subscribe swissroll #cakerecipe #recipe Hurricane Swiss roll Cake This week I want to make something easy but beautiful and as always.