Chinese Carrot Egg Stir-Fry. Chinese Carrot Egg Stir-Fry (Chinese Style Cooking Recipe) Welcome to Xiao's Kitchen. My name is Xiao Wei and my goal is to make your cooking simple and. Carrot & Egg Stir-Fry Chinese Style Welcome to Xiao's Kitchen.
My name is Xiao Wei and my goal is to make your cooking simple and exciting. Chinese Carrot & Egg Stir Fry (Asian Style Vegetarian Recipe) Welcome to Xiao's Kitchen. My name is Xiao Wei and my goal is to make your cooking simple and. Sobat dapat membuat Chinese Carrot Egg Stir-Fry hanya dengan menggunakan 9 bahan dan 4 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Chinese Carrot Egg Stir-Fry yuk!
Bahan-bahan Chinese Carrot Egg Stir-Fry
- Gunakan 3 buah of wortel (iris sesuai selera,rebus setengah matang).
- Dibutuhkan 1 siung of bawang putih,cincang halus.
- Siapkan 2 batang of daun bawang yg putihnya,iris halus.
- Siapkan 2 batang of daun bawang yg berwarna hijau,iris halus.
- Siapkan 2 butir of telur,kocok lepas.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdm of kecap asin.
- Diperlukan 1 sdm of kecap ikan.
- Siapkan Sejumput of garam.
- Diperlukan Sejumput of lada bubuk.
Ninjin Shirishiri (Carrot and Egg Stir-Fry). This is a variation (East meets West fusion) of the traditional Chinese carrots and eggs stir-fry dish. You probably won't have come across this at any Chinese restaurants because it's more of a home-made dish. I've modified the dish by using a traditional Western scrambled egg as the topping and.
Cara membuat Chinese Carrot Egg Stir-Fry
- Panaskan minyak secukupnya,orak arik telur hingga matang,angkat,sisihkan..
- Panaskan kembali minyak secukupnya,tumis bawang putih dan batang daun bawang yg berwarna putih,tumis hingga wangi..
- Masukkan irisan wortel yg sdh di rebus,lalu masukkan telur orak-arik,aduk rata..
- Tambahkan kecap asin,kecap ikan,garam dan lada,lalu masukkan daun bawang yg berwarna hijau,aduk hingga rata. Koreksi rasa. Matikan api. Siap di sajikan..
It's fast, easy, cheap, and delicious. If you've had it, you know why you'd want to make it again and again. If you haven't had it, it may not sound like much. Featured in: The Stir Fried Tomatoes And Eggs My Chinese Mother Made. Pour the eggs back into the mixing bowl, and wipe out the pan.